Print and Distribution Management
- A scalable and integrated print and distribution network
- Enhanced mail and e-delivery capabilities across the globe
- Custom-branded shareholder materials
Our Capabilities
We believe the financial services ecosystem should seamlessly interconnect, without compromising quality or cost efficiency.
Fast-track your transformation and innovation with BetaNXT DataXChange, our cloud-based, real-time data management platform.
Who is BetaNXT?
We invest in platforms, products, and partnerships to accelerate growth for the ecosystem we serve. Our connective approach empowers clients to deliver a comprehensive solution.
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Mediant helps corporate issuers, mutual funds, insurance, and alternative investment (REIT) firms advance the digital transformation of proxy management, investor communications and shareholder meetings.
Mediant helps corporate issuers, mutual funds, insurance and alternative investment (REIT) firms advance the digital transformation of proxy management, investor communications and shareholder meetings.
Technology and data play an instrumental role in increasing shareholder engagement and the accurate administration of proxy processes. Mediant provides a true end-to-end proxy solution that simplifies proxy management, maximizes voter participation, and provides real-time data with in-depth analysis.
Mediant increases shareholder engagement and proxy participation by providing an unparalleled user experience. Our comprehensive solution is tailored to your brand and streamlines production, distribution, voting, tabulation and post-event analysis.
Issuers and investors are frustrated by one-size-fits-all communications programs. Mediant’s intuitive technology adapts to your needs, shareholders’ preferences, and changing regulations. Our digital innovations maximize control and convenience.
Inaccurate voting records and a lack of trackability damage investor confidence and produce unrecoverable costs. Mediant’s tabulation services deliver real-time voting data with complete transparency, for assured accuracy and regulatory compliance.
Mediant increases voter participation and year-round engagement by focusing on investor satisfaction. Our dedicated team manages your entire proxy process, saving time and resources, assuring compliance, and keeping you informed with real-time data.
Mediant provides a true end-to-end shareholder communications and meeting solution powered by cutting-edge technology, real-time data insights, and a team of proxy specialists. We make it simple for issuers to deliver customized campaigns that maximize voter participation.
Your annual meeting is vital for sharing your vision and engaging with shareholders. BetaNXT’s end-to-end proxy solution streamlines meeting management and material distribution. Our 2025 Proxy Guide provides essential information, forms, and more.
Check our resources section for solutions overviews, expert guides, our NOBO list request form, and a handy proxy glossary.
Proxy season is upon us. Mediant has the technology and expertise to reduce stress, streamline processes, and enhance the shareholder experience.
Fill out the form and we’ll respond to your proxy season inquiry right away.