Ready, Settle, Go: Reflections on Preparing for a Successful T+1 Launch
May 22 2024 / 9 Minute Read
May 28 is launch day for T+1 – the rule that will shorten the securities settlement cycle to trade date (T) plus one day. Currently, firms are...
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Learn the genesis of each shortening of the settlement cycle, why T+1 is an event-driven mandate with a higher degree of complexity, and more.
On Tuesday, May 28, 2024, the first trading day after the U.S. Memorial Day holiday, regular-way settlement for U.S. equities, fixed income, and other select products will shorten from the current trade date (T) plus two business day cycle (T+2) to T plus one business day (T+1). A smooth and predictable settlement is essential to the global economy.
The whitepaper T+1: Why This Time Feels Different from T+2 examines how the drivers of the current move to T+1 differ from the 2017 move to T+2 in a few interesting ways that relate to settlement infrastructure. You’ll learn:
Fill out the form to read the whitepaper.
May 22 2024 / 9 Minute Read
May 28 is launch day for T+1 – the rule that will shorten the securities settlement cycle to trade date (T) plus one day. Currently, firms are...
July 07 2023 / 6 Minute Read
BetaNXT CEO Stephen C. Daffron Discusses SIFMA, Moving To T+1 Securities Settlement, and How Wealth Management Can Use Better Data to Make Better...
November 13 2023 / 8 Minute Read
A conversation with Stephen Daffron, Chairman & CEO of BetaNXT and Joe Seidel, Chief Operating Officer of SIFMA on the current shifting...